
The Hot-Spot Indoor solution makes the connection available to those PCs provided with wireless card inside inner areas where the Internet access point is centrally located.
Typically, it is used when you need to radiate an area inside a building (such as hotel halls, conference halls, restaurants and pubs etc).


A 360° omnidirectional aerial is connected to a radio device in Access point configuration which is connected to an existing LAN network: all PCs which are inside the irradiated area are therefore interconnected one the other as well as to the WEB.

  • 1 Access Point radio device CHR1010
  • 1 Omnidirectional aerial 2G40V2
  • POE current supply system CHR1POE
  • Wall-fixing kit CHR1KIT
  • Pre-existing LAN cabled network

Linkit offers the pre-assembled HotSpotIndoor Kit including radio device, POE current supply system, aerial and wall-fixed kit.