
The Repeater – A solution is one of the possible solutions you can face when you need a connection between two geographical areas which have no optical connection with each other. It is a less expansive solution of compared with the Bridge one, but it reduces the transmission speed to the 50%.


A directional aerial connected to a radio device in Access-Point configuration is pointed to a second directional aerial connected to a dual radio system too, with the first radio set up as a repeater. The Repeater aerial allows both the connection to the aerial in Access-Point configuration as well as the irradiation of the dead zone area. Radio devices will work on the same channel with a frequency band of 2,4Ghz.

  • 1 radio device CHR5010 in Access Point configuration
  • 1 CHR5010 radio device in Bridge configuration
  • 1 parabolica aerial 2Band45 type
  • 1 omnidirectional aerial 2G40V9 / 2G40V12 type
  • Co-axial cables to connect radio devices with aerials
  • Preexisting LAn network

Linkit suggests the use of single products: CHR5010, 2Band45 and 2G4V09 or 2G4V12 aerials.
Radio devices include current supply system in PoE technology as well as fixing kit too.