
The “Extended Bridge “ solution is preferable when you need to connect two buildings with reciprocal optical view on each other and to create a wireless signal in the second building as well.


Two directional aerials are connected to two radio devices in Bridge configuration.
The first radio device will be connected to an existing Lan network. The second radio device will be connected via ethernet to a third device in Access-Point configuration: this, thanks to an omnidirectional aerial, will spread the wireless signal out to all PCs equipped with Wireless card.
All PCs inside the first building will therefore be connected with all PCs inside the second building. WEB network will be shared too. Link Radio devices will be tuned on the same channel, while the third radio device will work on a different channel.

  • 1 CHR7015 or CHR7016 radio device
  • 1 CHR5020 double radio device
  • 1 directive parable aerial 2G4D45 / 2G4D60 type
  • 1 omnidirectional aerial 2G40V9 / 2G40V12 type
  • Co-axial cables to connect radio devices with aerials
  • Pre-existing LAN cabled network inside one of the two buildings

Linkit suggest the use of single products: a CHR7015 or CHR7016 system with imbedded directive aerial. Depending on the signal length it will be possible to use CHR7015 till 20 km, CHR7016 till 50 km, a dual radio device CHR5020 for the ending fot the link terminal, a 2Band45 or 2Band60 aerial for the signal spreading and a 2G4OV9 or 2G4OV12 omnidirectional aerial. All radio devices include current supply system in PoE technology.